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will never be so much fun!
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Simply enter your email address and we’ll start sending you the best equity tips on the web to beat the stock market.
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We’ll use our AI models to scan the market for miscalculated and the most generous prices.
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We’ll email you the best stock market tips for you to have fun with and profit from!
I declare my recent record which is real.
I play by the rules by sending all of my predictions in a timely manner, to my Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) so that you know I’m telling the truth by saying my forecasts came true. You can also see that not all my tips come off, but for the ones that do, more than make up for it. See it for yourself.

Hi, I’m Tyson.
I’m a data scientist who lives for the excitement of beating the stock market. Although, I’ve not spent 1 hour let alone a day on the trading floors in the stock exchange, it’s never stopped me making money when the stock selections come off and my models are correct.
So why am I sharing my tips? I’m sharing them because I already share these with my friends and I’d simply like more friends! Seriously, because this system I’ve built and currently maintaining costs a lot of money, and the newsletter funds will help me finance it. It will also help me place larger amounts on the tips I give out!
For past tips and reports showing how I’m beating the marketing, read here.
and answers
Is Tyson Tips Free to join?
For a 90 day period, yes! Signing up to Tyson Tips is free for the first 3 months! You’ll receive the most reliable stock tips to your inbox for as long as you like! We also have a paid Premium membership option for those looking to get even more sports tips.
Which stock markets do you tip on?
We send alerts for stock tips on mainly the US stock markets and some European. If you’ve been a subscriber for more than a week, you’ve probably seen alerts for NASDAQ and/or NYSE at the very least.
Will I make money?
The short answer is yes, you will. You will also lose money as not bets will come off, that is the reality of equities investing. On balance, you should be profitable, as my record shows and that is because we pick stocks with excellent value that have a good chance of appreciating in a short and long time frame. I cannot say will, because it’s unlawful to do so. The main thing is to not think of this as some get rich quick scheme, and to instead treat this as a way to have fun and make some money in the process.
How do I make the most of your tips?
All bets delivered are computed to have a good chance of being profitable. So even though 50% of stock tips delivered have beaten the market to date, because of the returns, you will be in net profit assuming you stake an equal amount of money on each tip. To maximise the value of these tips, we advise, cashing out as soon as you receive the SELL alert to do so. That way, you’ll lock in the profit even if it’s only say around 80% of the full forecasted return, as with stocks and life anything can happen. Also, look out for your alerts delivered by email as a lot of the tips are time sensitive.
Why should I trust you?
Because I’ve lost plenty of money, experimenting with the data and my own money to learn and refine the system, so you don’t have to. I declare my recent record which is real. I play by the rules by sending all of my predictions before each game to my Chartered Accountant before each game so that I’m telling the truth by saying my forecasts came true. Also, I let you sample my tips indefinitely until you appreciate the fun (and rare occasional harsh) reality my newsletter offers. I only care to win, and only got interested in sports events once I learned how to get a winning edge. If you’re enjoying the free tips and you want more, then join Tyson Tips Premium.
What’s Tyson Tips Premium?
Joining Tyson Tips is completely free and as a free member you’ll be receiving reports on how our tips performed (once sold) to see what you missed out on and content on how we go about selecting high performing stocks. However, we also offer a paid Premium Membership which gives access to ALL the market beating tips, including when to buy and sell.
How many tips will I receive?
On average, Premium Membership subscribers will receive 4 or more email BUY alerts every month, on average.
Do you cover day trades?
Sometimes, the maths and the software infrastructure to pull that off is incredibly complicated. Not all of our members wish to stay glued to their laptop and mobile screens placing and cashing out stock trades. That kind of makes the whole thing a chore. So no, this is not a day trade tip service.
Tyson, I’ve just made a load of cash, how can I return the favour?
Thrilled to be of help! If you are enjoying the tips, we would love for you to share Tyson Tips with your friends. We’re starting a stock investment revolution here! Oh, and send us your best wins from your trades!
I’ve signed up but I’m not receiving emails.
The best way to make sure you receive the emails is by adding our email address ( to your address book. Do that first, and then check if they’re hiding in your spam folder. If there’s still no sign, email us at and we’ll sort it out together.
Can you help me with a specific tip?
We’d love to help – the thing is, I spend all my time maintaining the cloud servers to collect the data, deploy machine learning (a form of artificial intelligence) to analyse the data and generate tips. On top of that, I have to make sure they get to you in a timely manner so that you can act on these quickly to secure the best returns. And I have to update the website with our latest record to show that we’re still winning for all of our members. So I simply can’t keep up with the mountain of requests flying in. All I can say is that we are constantly searching for the most reliable stock tips, so keep an eye on your inbox and I’m sure your winning bet will come up!